Learn all about the Nuñoa Project in Peru!
Free Seminar with Guest speaker, Dr. Steven Purdy
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
7:30pm EST
Via Google Meet
Dr Steve Purdy first arrived at UMass to set up the Camelid Studies Program. He was interested in understanding the background of the alpacas and how they were herded by Andean natives. He realized that Nuñoa was the place he had to see.
Dr. Purdy and his colleagues were so impressed with the need of small herders for veterinary service, and with the potential of linking this effort to the understaffed and underfunded orphanage, planning began as to how they might help fulfill a number of community needs. Thanks to Dr. Purdy’s enthusiasm and a sense of obligation to give back to Andean herders – whose ancestors gave us the alpacas and llamas – a number of friends and colleagues were contacted, and they have provided their time and talents in getting the Nuñoa Project going.
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