Medical Advice – Alpaca Medicine Cabinet Essentials

Here’s a DVM Recommend list of items to start building your Alpaca Medicine Cabinet

Expanded by Susan Beauregard, MBA Managing Partner Three Niece Farm, LLC from a Medicine Cabinet list written By John Pollack, DVM, Assistant Professor Tufts University

A well-stocked medicine cabinet is crucial for dealing with various medical situations that may arise with your camelids. Some of these items can be purchased online through various retailers such as Light Livestock Equipment (, Valley Vet Supply (, Quality Llama and Alpaca Products (, and PBS Animal Health ( Others need to be obtained from your vet. Having a good working relationship with your vet is important. Always seek their advice and input. There may be some items that they feel are important to add to this list.


  • Naxcel: Is a board spectrum anti-biotic whose active ingredient is Ceftiofur. , It’s available by prescription only from your vet. Given SQ.
  • Liquamycin LA-200: Active ingredient is 200 mg of oxytetracycline. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that lasts for 2-3 days. It is widely available online.
  • Noromycin 300 LA: Active ingredient is 300 mg of oxytetracycline. It is a broad spectrum anti-biotic with a high cure rate that is widely available online. It’s effective for 4 to 5 days. Given SQ.
  • Pen-G or Agri-cillin: Active ingredient is procaine penicillin G. Is widely available online. Can be given IM or SQ.


  • Bar Vac CD-T: For the immunization of healthy camelids from Tetanus. The CD part of the vaccine is to immunize against clostridium perfringens types C&D. Alpacas are only susceptible to c. perfringens type A and a vaccine is not widely available. Given SQ
  • Equine West Nile Virus Vaccine: This is a killed vaccine (made with killed west nile virus). Although it is widely available online it should only be used after consulting your vet. It’s expensive and requires multiple boosters. It’s given IM.
  • Lepto Shield 5: Protects against Lepto. Even though it’s widely available online it should only be used after consulting your vet as lepto may not be an issue in your area.


  • Banamine: Active ingredient is flunixin meglumine. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic used for the alleviation of inflammation, pain and fever. Available by prescription only from your vet. Given IM.


  • Albon: Active ingredient is sulfadimethoxine. Widely available online. 
  • Corid: Active ingredient is Amprolium. Is widely available online in either liquid or powder form. Can be used in drinking water or as a drench.

Anthelmintics (medicine that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms):

  • Ivermectin: Active ingredient is ivermectin. Widely available online. Given SQ. Parasites are resistant to Ivermectin in many parts of the country.
  • Dectomax: Active ingredient is doramectin. Similar class of medicine as ivermectin, so no need to stock both. Widely available online. Given SQ.
  • Safeguard and Panacur: Active ingredient is fenbendazole. Is sold in past form. Widely available in feed stores and online.
  • Prohibit: Active ingredient is levamisole. Sold as a soluable drench powder. Is widely available online.
  • Cydectin: Active ingredient is moxidectin. Sold as a drench or injectable. Widely available online.
  • Valbazen: Active ingredient is albendazole. Sold as a drench. Widely available online.
  • Equimax: Active ingredients are ivermectin and praziquantel. Sold as a paste. Widely available in feed stores and online.

Oral Treatments:

  • Activated Charcoal or Activated Clay Gel: Used as an emergency first aid for digestive upset and poisonings. Widely available as a paste.
  • Probios Bovine One Gel for Ruminants: provides a source of beneficial bacteria for ruminants. Contains live naturally occurring microorganisms. Helps to support the animal’s rumen during times of stress and illness.
  • Electrolytes: Available in paste or powder. Use during really hot weather or anytime the animal is in danger of dehydration.


  • Epinephrine: Emergency use only for anaphylactic shock. Available only by prescription from your vet.
  • Bo-se: Contains selenium and vitamin E. Available only by prescription from your vet. Given IM or SQ.
  • Thiamin: Is a vitamin B complex that is vital to have on hand to support ruminants during times of illness. Available only by prescription from your vet. Given SQ.
  • Vitamin A-E-D: Sold in paste form. Widely available online.

Fist Aid Supplies:

  • Syringes and needles (to give injections
  • Drench syringe to give oral medicines
  • Catheter syringe
  • Gauze
  • Vet Wrap
  • Cotton roll or umbilical wrap
  • Sterile gauze sponges
  • Triple anti-biotic ointment
  • Vetericyn Ophthalmic Gel
  • Bandage scissors
  • Blood stop powder
  • Bentadine or iodine
  • Rubber gloves

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Stethoscop
  • Digital thermometer
  • Livestock Scale