Show Preparation

Movement and Transportation of Alpacas

Wildlife and alternative livestock include all non-traditional species raised for exhibition, production or companion purposes.

Ownership of these animals is expanding, and movement and transportation of wildlife and alternative livestock is increasing as these activities grow.

One of the most important factors for successful movement of wildlife and alternative livestock is the maintenance of animal health through efficient and humane handling during transport.

Depending on the species involved, the following agencies have jurisdiction over the transportation of wildlife and alternative livestock. Please note that the state receiving the animals is the one that sets the entry requirements. Also, in some states a permit is required from the state wildlife agency. In addition, some state and local human health authorities may have jurisdiction.

State Government: For information concerning state regulations, call the Office of the State Veterinarian in your state.

Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS): APHIS provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants.


  • Ensure that only healthy animals are transported.
  • Minimize contact of your animals with other livestock and wildlife.
  • Consult your veterinarian.
  • Comply with state and federal regulations regarding:
    • the transportation of your animals;
    • health certificates and permits;
    • ventilation, temperature, and environmental requirements;
    • nutritional requirements;
    • shipping and holding space and other welfare requirements.
  • Know who to call (see link below).

For more information on health requirements, go to this USDA site: