Winter Care of Camelids

Best Practices Webinar

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
12:00 to 2:00pm

Cost: $0 to $10
Please pay what you can afford.

Join Dr. Anne Lichtenwalner, Associate UMaine Extension Professor, Extension Specialist, for this virtual workshop on best practices for winter care of camelids.

Participants will learn about housing needs of camelids, the nutritional demands of animals in the winter, differences among feeds and why a properly balanced ration is crucial to animal wellbeing, weight gain and profitability. We’ll also discuss practical approaches to winter water and shelter management.

Click here for more info and to register.

alpacas in winter

Winter Care of Camelids

Best Practices Webinar

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
12:00 to 2:00pm

Cost: $0 to $10
Please pay what you can afford.

Join Dr. Anne Lichtenwalner, Associate UMaine Extension Professor, Extension Specialist, for this workshop on best practices for winter care of camelids.

In this session, participants will learn about housing needs of camelids, the nutritional demands of animals in the winter, differences among feeds and why a properly balanced ration is crucial to animal wellbeing, weight gain and profitability. We’ll also discuss practical approaches to winter water and shelter management.

This webinar will be recorded, and a link to the recording will be emailed to registrants when it is available.

Registration is required. Participants will receive Zoom link after registering.

Note: If registering more than one person, please register yourself, click Enroll, and then use the “Continue Shopping” option in your cart to add additional participants.

Click here to register

alpacas in winter